- [August 2023] Looking forward to teaching CSCI 403 (Introduction to Databases) this Fall
- [June 2023] Honored to have our short paper “A Programming Model for Portable Fault Detection and Diagnosis” accepted to ACM e-Energy 2023, led by Dimitris Mavrokapnidis
- [May 2023] Got back from a fantastic trip to Australia to speak at the IEA Annex 81 plenary and the National Energy Efficiency Conference
- [November 2022] Congratulations to all the authors at DATA 2022. Thanks for a fantastic workshop with many interesting datasets
- [September 2022] Two papers accepted at BuildSys 2022! – see you all in Boston!
- [November 2021] Successful conclusion of the 4th annual workshop on Data: Acquisition To Analysis. Many thanks to the TPC, Artifact Evaluation committee and the authors who submitted and presented!
- [July 2021] I am the co-lead of Activity A3 for Annex 81 “Data-Driven Smart Buildings” through the International Energy Agency
- [May 2021] I graduated from UC Berkeley!
- [April 2021] I gave my dissertation talk (recording available online)
- [March 2021] I have accepted an assistant professor position in the computer science department at Colorado School of Mines, with a joint appointment at NREL!
- [November 2020] I was one of the chairs of the Data: Acquisition to Analysis (DATA) 2020 workshop
- [October 2020] I was one of 11 recipients of the inaugural CMD-IT FLIP Dissertation Fellowship