Minimal Brick Validation Example (no BuildingMOTIF)
This document provides a minimal example of how to validate a Brick model in Python without BuildingMOTIF. I would generally recommend using BuildingMOTIF for this purpose, but this example is useful for understanding the underlying processes.
Brick Model
A Brick model is a semantic model of a specific building. It is typically represented in the Turtle format. Here is an example of a simple Brick model:
@prefix brick: <> .
@prefix rec: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix unit: <> .
@prefix : <urn:tutorial/> .
<urn:tutorial> a owl:Ontology ;
owl:imports <> ;
owl:imports <> .
:building1 a rec:Building ;
rdfs:label "Building 1" .
:floor1 a rec:Floor ;
rdfs:label "Floor 1" .
:room1 a rec:Room ;
rdfs:label "Room 1" ;
rec:isPartOf :floor1 ;
rec:isLocationOf :thermostat1 .
:thermostat1 a brick:Thermostat ;
rdfs:label "Room 1 Thermostat" ;
brick:hasPoint :room1-sp, :sensor1, :room1-occ .
:room1-sp a brick:Air_Temperature_Setpoint ;
rdfs:label "Room 1 Setpoint" ;
brick:hasUnit unit:DEG_F .
:sensor1 a brick:Air_Temperature_Sensor ;
rdfs:label "Room 1 Temperature" ;
brick:hasUnit unit:DEG_F .
:room1-occ a brick:Occupancy_Sensor ;
rdfs:label "Room 1 Occupancy" .
For the purpose of validation, the most important part is the 3 lines near the top declaring the ontology and its imports:
<urn:tutorial> a owl:Ontology ;
owl:imports <> ;
owl:imports <> .
The first line declares the name of our graph to be urn:tutorial
The owl:imports
lines specify the ontologies that the urn:tutorial
graph imports. In this case, the urn:tutorial
ontology imports the Brick and QUDT ontologies.
We need to provide copies of those two dependencies to the validator; otherwise, it will not be able to resolve the classes and properties defined in those ontologies.
Python Script
We can use the pyontoenv
library to manage the dependencies and the buildingmotif
library to validate the Brick model.
Eventually, pyontoenv
will be integrated directly into buildingmotif
but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.
Put the text containing the Brick model in a file called tutorial.ttl
. Load this into an RDFlib graph object.
# Load the Brick model into a graph
g = Graph()
g.parse("tutorial.ttl", format="ttl")
Next, we create an ontology environment. Most of the defaults are ok, but I set offline=False
to ensure that it can fetch the ontologies from the internet.
This is necessary because we do’nt have a copy of the Brick or QUDT ontologies on our local machine.
env = OntoEnv(Config(offline=False))
Now, let’s calculate the imports closure of the urn:tutorial
ontology. This is the set of all ontologies that are imported by urn:tutorial
, and all ontologies imported by those ontologies, and so on.
calculates and outputs the names of all the ontologies in the closure.
returns a new RDFlib graph containing the contents of all the ontologies in the closure.
for ontology in env.list_closure("urn:tutorial"):
dep_graph = env.get_closure("urn:tutorial")
We can see from the output that the imports closure is:
When we run the get_closure
method, it will output a new graph containing the contents of all these ontologies.
Now, we can run the SHACL inference rules on the graph. This will add inferred triples to the graph based on the SHACL shapes defined in the imported ontologies.
g = shacl_inference(g, dep_graph)
Finally, we can validate the graph against the SHACL shapes defined in the imported ontologies. This will return a boolean indicating whether the graph is valid, a graph containing the validation report, and a string representation of the report.
valid, report_graph, report_string = shacl_validate(g, dep_graph)
print(f"Is valid: {valid}")
Complete Demo
# /// script
# requires-python = "==3.10"
# dependencies = [
# "pyontoenv==0.1.10a8",
# "buildingmotif @",
# "rdflib",
# ]
# ///
from rdflib import Graph
from buildingmotif.utils import shacl_validate, shacl_inference
from ontoenv import OntoEnv, Config
# initialize the ontology environment
env = OntoEnv(Config(offline=False))
# Load the Brick model into a graph
g = Graph()
g.parse("tutorial.ttl", format="ttl")
# import the contents of all dependencies into a new graph
dep_graph = env.get_closure("urn:tutorial")
# run the SHACL inference rules on the graph
g = shacl_inference(g, dep_graph)
# validate the graph against the SHACL shapes defined in the imported ontologies
valid, report_graph, report_string = shacl_validate(g, dep_graph)
print(f"Is valid: {valid}")
You can run this script using the uv
tool. Simply copy the script into a file called
and run uv run
This uses a very cool uv script feature to automatically install the dependencies and run the script.