Getting all template bodies from BuildingMOTIF
Here’s a quick how-to on load libraries into a BuildingMOTIF installation and then list all of the templates in those libraries as well as the bodies (RDF graph component) of those templates.
At this time (2023-06-13), BuildingMOTIF is still under active development so you’ll want to install it directly from GitHub You can also clone the repository directly and do this all within that environment :
pip install -e git+
Now, create a file called libraries.yml
which contains the following lines:
- ontology:
- git:
branch: develop
path: libraries/chiller-plant
- git:
branch: develop
path: libraries/ashrae/guideline36
You can then load these libraries into a local BuildingMOTIF installation using this command:
DB_URI=sqlite:///my_libraries.db buildingmotif load -l libraries.yml
Now, all of our libraries are loaded into a local install! All of the state associated with BuildingMOTIF is now in a local SQLite database called my_libraries.db
To list the templates, you will need to boot up a Python interpreter or paste the following code into a text editor
and then execute it in the same directory as my_libraries.db
from buildingmotif import BuildingMOTIF
from buildingmotif.dataclasses import Library
bm = BuildingMOTIF("sqlite:///my_libraries.db")
for lib in bm.table_connection.get_all_db_libraries():
library = Library.load(
for template in library.get_templates():
# outputs:
# Template(_id=1345, _name='cold-deck-with-damper', body=<Graph identifier=3a8e57ad-2e76-456e-97f9-ce97af8284ff (<class 'rdflib.graph.Graph'>)>, optional_args=[], _bm=<buildingmotif.building_motif.building_motif.BuildingMOTIF object at 0x1023c7ee0>)
# Template(_id=1346, _name='vav-cooling-only', body=<Graph identifier=cfe59bc4-1aeb-4f33-834a-731af90a0e4d (<class 'rdflib.graph.Graph'>)>, optional_args=['occ', 'co2'], _bm=<buildingmotif.building_motif.building_motif.BuildingMOTIF object at 0x1023c7ee0>)
# Template(_id=1347, _name='multiple-zone-ahu', body=<Graph identifier=ee9e2628-c1b4-4e43-b0ef-5cd623265282 (<class 'rdflib.graph.Graph'>)>, optional_args=['ma_temp', 'ra_temp', 'filter_pd'], _bm=<buildingmotif.building_motif.building_motif.BuildingMOTIF object at 0x1023c7ee0>)
# Template(_id=1348, _name='with-relief-damper', body=<Graph identifier=f3e33ee3-6e4b-4b28-a8ae-e4d7ebd890ab (<class 'rdflib.graph.Graph'>)>, optional_args=['sp-sensor'], _bm=<buildingmotif.building_motif.building_motif.BuildingMOTIF object at 0x1023c7ee0>)
# Template(_id=1349, _name='with-return-fan', body=<Graph identifier=59596d76-14dd-4595-9e04-ceef558311bc (<class 'rdflib.graph.Graph'>)>, optional_args=['supply-air-flow', 'return-air-flow', 'sp-sensor'], _bm=<buildingmotif.building_motif.building_motif.BuildingMOTIF object at 0x1023c7ee0>)
To get the RDF graph part of these templates, you can access the body
attribute of each Template object. This will retrieve the RDF graph object associated with the template:
from buildingmotif import BuildingMOTIF
from buildingmotif.dataclasses import Library
bm = BuildingMOTIF("sqlite:///my_libraries.db")
for lib in bm.table_connection.get_all_db_libraries():
library = Library.load(
for template in library.get_templates():
This will output things like:
@prefix brick: <> .
@prefix ns3: <urn:___param___#> .
ns3:name brick:hasPart ns3:return-fan ;
brick:hasPoint ns3:return-air-flow,
ns3:supply-air-flow .
ns3:relief-damper a brick:Exhaust_Damper .
You may also want to “inline” the template dependencies which will give you larger graphs with additional types and constraints.
from buildingmotif import BuildingMOTIF
from buildingmotif.dataclasses import Library
bm = BuildingMOTIF("sqlite:///my_libraries.db")
for lib in bm.table_connection.get_all_db_libraries():
library = Library.load(
for template in library.get_templates():
This outputs larger graphs like:
@prefix brick: <> .
<urn:___param___#name> brick:hasPart <urn:___param___#return-fan> ;
brick:hasPoint <urn:___param___#return-air-flow>,
<urn:___param___#supply-air-flow> .
<urn:___param___#relief-damper> a brick:Damper,
brick:Exhaust_Damper ;
brick:hasPoint <urn:___param___#relief-damper-dmppos> .
<urn:___param___#relief-damper-dmppos> a brick:Damper_Position_Command .
<urn:___param___#return-air-flow> a brick:Return_Air_Flow_Sensor .
<urn:___param___#return-fan> a brick:Fan,
brick:Return_Fan ;
brick:hasPoint <urn:___param___#return-fan-name-speed>,
<urn:___param___#return-fan-name-status> .
<urn:___param___#return-fan-name-speed> a brick:Frequency_Command .
<urn:___param___#return-fan-name-start_stop> a brick:Start_Stop_Command .
<urn:___param___#return-fan-name-status> a brick:Fan_Status .
<urn:___param___#sp-sensor> a brick:Static_Pressure_Sensor .
<urn:___param___#supply-air-flow> a brick:Supply_Air_Flow_Sensor .